Well, it’s certainly been awhile since my last post on here.
What have I been up to? Well…
My knee has gotten so much stronger and I’m so much more confident! If I’m just going to a show to hang out, I often don’t even wear my knee brace (though I’ll still wear it if I’m shooting and dealing with a packed crowd).
I moved to a new apartment in Sayreville, NJ.
I continued contributing to Substream both in print and online (check out all my content online here); I even got to interview my favorite band, Good Charlotte! A lot of this work has been writing, but I’m still photographing as well!
I joined a gym and workout… well, sometimes. But that’s more than never!
I still watch a lot of Degrassi, love my dog, and have fun making a mess in the kitchen trying to recreate my favorite recipes.
Oh, and… earlier this month, I was able to head down to Philadelphia to photograph an artist I became a huge fan of earlier this year, morgxn! I first saw him live when he opened for Fickle Friends in Brooklyn back in April, and was immediately hooked when he released his album vital. I guess you could call it “sad pop”? Anyway, I love that morgxn’s music really shows the beauty in vulnerability, encouraging you to be honest and celebrate who you are and what you’ve been through - so I was very excited to have the opportunity to photograph him.
Voltage Lounge is a pretty small venue with no barricade (so, no photo pit). I normally avoid shooting at these types of shows (okay, not entirely true… I shoot no barricade shows often, but I’m always nervous about my knee…), but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to photograph morgxn. I brought my flash just in case but didn’t end up using it most of the night. I found that people in the crowd were super friendly as I needed to move about, so I tried to get a variety of angles from the floor, the steps, and the balcony up top. In the past when I’ve shot at Voltage Lounge I’ve kept the photos largely black and white, though morgxn is an artist that deserves to be showcased in bright colors. Enjoy!